Saturday, June 2, 2012

Danger on the Farmington - from April 2009

As the title suggests, there was something completely dangerous and out of control on the Farmington this afternoon.

Reports are not specific and the identity of the angler remains unknown.

The following is an account of the events as described by two witnesses.

At approximately 1pm this afternoon there were reports of a suspicious angler near the Ovation pool, or someone trying their best to impersonate an angler.

The individual was brandishing a 10' 5 wt. rod at unknown individual(s). It was believed that fish were the intended target but the casts were never in the same spot and included some crazy ass tree hook-ups as well as complete tom-foolery. The combination of these movements seemed too random to be targeting trout or anything else of an aquatic nature. The fact that the angler just laughed at these beginner mistakes certainly didn't help matters either.

After deciding it was too dangerous to continue watching from what they believed was the safety of the shore, two geese jumped into the water and floated beyond the hazard and down to the town hall. Once at the town hall they promptly waddled up to the police station to file this report, which included the following details, "You guys just gotta do somethin'! I tell ya, that lady is crazy. She was talkin' to herself or someone invisible by the name of Mabel."

Said the officer, "Mabel? Who's Mabel?"

Said the gander, "I don't know. Like I told yous guys, she was yammerin' on about Mabel and not working right and no muscle memory. Crazy shit, I tell ya! The missus and I decided we needed to flee for our safety and just as the missus was floating by ZAP she got tagged in the tail feathers with this hook. Look at my wife's butt!! It's awful!"

At this point, Lucy Goosie entered the station and what a pitiful sight she was. Not only did she have a perfectly tied #10 hares ear nymph with a tungsten bead head attached to her tail feathers there was 6” of 5x tippet attached to it.

True, I was down at Ovation this afternoon enjoying the blue skies, warmer temps and the start of a Hendrickson hatch. I was trying out my early Mother’s Day gift, which coincidentally happens to be a new TFO, 10’ 5 wt. rod. I was attempting to use a double rig nymph system using some flies that I tied up this winter which included some #10 hares ear nymphs for my anchors as well as hendrickson nymphs for droppers.

It has been over a year since I fished the Farmington and I am a bit rusty which is why I needed to get out and practice today. To the best of my knowledge there weren’t any geese present and although I cannot speak to the nature of the events described above I am missing a #10 brown hares ear nymph with a tungsten bead head along with some tippet.

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