Monday, December 5, 2011

Change of seasons on the S. Sandy, N.Y.

Four years in the making and it finally happens!

Rob lands his first steelie!

And  what a beauty she turned out to be.

Second fish was just as nice.

But it isn't always the number of fish landed
or even the number of fish hooked...

Sometimes you just need a spot to swing flies,
chill and count life's blessings.  Even with low water

you take the time to check
even the simplest of things
as you walk along the
river bank.

And if you look closely you
will see spring blossoms
waiting patiently as the river
slowly winds its way to the lake.

And with low water, warm temps and plenty of anglers out;
 the fish
were not all that willing to come out and play.

So I would imagine that my next set of photos will be looking
very different from these because I love winter steelhead
fishing even more and will get back out in fields of snow and rivers of ice.